As the curtains draw on Trainer Adventures, a new chapter begins with Pixelmon Party Quest. This time, you’ll be able to form Trainer and Pixelmon teams from your collection before setting them free to venture into Nova Thera in search of Relics and other prizes.
How Party Quest Works
Party Quest starts off with the creation of a 'Party’. As a Trainer, you'll pick out a specific combination of your NFTs to soft-stake (gasless) for the party. You'll be selecting combinations based on preset tiers, each offering different levels of prizes that are distributed every week. The higher your tier, the better your chances of winning more valuable prizess.
Party Tiers
Parties are formed based on specific tiers. Each tier requires a different combination of Trainers and Pixelmon and offers differing probabilities when it comes to winning prizes. The setup and prize probabilities for each tier are as follows:

There are 2 main prizes to be won each week: E3 Serums and Relics.

E3 Serums are exclusive to Tier 5 Parties and the chances of winning them depend on the number of days you've staked. Winners have until Monday 12pm GMT+8 of the following week to complete their claim.
Relics are off-chain prizes containing in-game boosts for upcoming mini-games plusmore perks which we’ll be revealing at a later date. Relics can be claimed and revealed at any time.
The Rulebook
In order to guarantee a seamless experience, please take into account the following rules and guidelines:
Prize Distribution
A total of 1,000 E3 Serums are available, out of which 900 are dedicated to the Party Quest prize pool. The distribution occurs weekly, and an individual wallet can win up to 5 serums.
Weekly Timeline
Here are some key timings (GMT+8, SGT) to keep in mind:
- Monday 12pm - Claim Cut Off Time: Unclaimed prizes will expire and return to the prize pool after this period. Users cannot claim prizes after this expiry period.
- Tuesday 12pm - Prize Reveal Time: Users can check if they've won any prizes, which will berevealed from this time onwards.
- Tuesday 11pm - Edit Cut Off: Beyond this time, users cannot edit a Party and still qualify for the 7-day stake for the next week's prize window.
Party Management
Parties must be staked for at least 7 days to be eligible for prizes.
Each NFT can only be in 1 party at any given time.
Changes made to an active party will reset the days staked. This rule still applies even if you:
- Keep the Party within the same tier after edits
- Upgrade the Party to a higher tier
- Downgrade the Party to a lower tier
Transferring (or selling) an NFT from an active Party has the following effects:
- Any tagged Relics will move along with the NFT to the new wallet.
- The system will automatically downgrade the Party to a lower tier. If the tier can't be downgraded any further, the party will be disbanded.
(If you still can’t see your NFT on the Hub, please ensure it’s not in the nurturing staking pool used when you claimed your Trainers.)
Winning Probabilities
- E3 Serum Raffle Draw: The probability of an individual Party winning an E3 Serum is given by the formula: (Total Days Staked by the Party / Total Days Staked across all Parties).
- Relics: Parties have a fixed probability of finding 1 relic per party per week.
- Each relic found by a Party is randomly assigned to one NFT within the Party. Each NFT has an equal chance of being selected.
- Once a relic is assigned, it stays with the NFT when it is transferred, removed from the Party, or sold.
What is the maximum amount of prizes I can win?
The weekly limit is 5 E3 serums per wallet & 1 Relic per party
When can I claim my prizes?
E3 Serums can be claimed from Tuesday 12pm GMT+8 to Monday 12pm GMT+8 the following week. Users can claim/reveal their Relics whenever they choose to.
Do I have to pay for gas to collect my prizes?
Relic claims are gasless but users will be required to pay the gas fee to claim their Serums.
Why can’t I see my Pixelmon/Trainer?
- Your Trainer/Pixelmon is already in an active Party.
- Your Pixelmon is still in the nurturing pool (to find out how to unstake click here).
How can I check how many Relics I have?
- Visit your Inventory page on the collector's hub.
- Head to and input the token ID of any Pixelmon or Trainer NFT
My E1 and E2 Pixelmon are hard-staked. Can I use them in Pixelmon Party Quest?
Can I participate in Trainer Adventures and Party Quest at the same time?